The National PA Plan
The National Physical Activity Plan (National PA Plan) was developed by a coalition of organizations that came together to form the Physical Activity Alliance, a non-profit organization whose goal is that Americans will be physically active, and can live, work and play in environments that encourage and support regular physical activity.
The National PA Plan was developed through a process that engaged hundreds of professionals, researchers, and leaders from public and private organizations across nine expert panels, each of which focused on one societal sector (for example, healthcare or schools).
Each expert panel reviewed the National PA Plan and recommended enhancements, refinements, and additions to the strategies and tactics for its sector. Public input informed the expert panels’ work, which was collected at a National PA Summit in 2015, and again after a draft of the plan was released in 2016.
The National PA Plan uses evidence-informed approaches designed to promote physical activity through specific actions taken in each societal sector. Strategies are broad approaches, which are achieved through implementation of specific tactics.