Sport Sector working group meetings serve as strategic sessions to include stakeholders in the Sport Sector to guide the development of strategies and priority tactics. These strategies and tactics will, if accomplished, provide safe and equitable access to sport participation in the Greater Kansas City region.
The strategies and tactics for the Sport sector have been added to the KCPA Plan website! You can view the updated Sport sector page with the strategy cards here:
In the last meeting, the group decided to form three sub-groups going forward. These subgroups are as follows:
Alliance - A sub-group focused on creating/identifying a unifying body to create standards, evaluate, and organize surveillance data on things such as sports participation.
Access - A sub-group focused on increasing access to funding and improving sport participation, including physical literacy, sport sampling, unstructured sport participation and free play.
Advocacy - A sub-group focused on sport education and sport promotion through story telling and sharing messages.
If you are interested in one or more of these sub-groups, you will have the chance to join at the next meeting. In the next meeting we will split into breakout groups to talk more about each group's focus and determine how often each group will meet.