The Kansas City Physical Activity Plan
The Kansas City Physical Activity Summit (KCPA Summit) brings together community leaders and partner organizations from a variety of societal sectors to learn more about the ways that we can collaborate to improve rates of physical activity across the Kansas City region.
The KCPA Summit presents research on the the state of physical activity in the Kansas City region, and introduces how national recommendations can be adapted to develop local priorities for increasing levels of physical activity for all ages.
Dr. Harold W. (Bill) Kohl. III, Ph.D., MSPH, FACSM, FNAK is the Chair of the National Physical Activity Plan and Professor at University of Texas. Dr. Harold W. (Bill) Kohl, III is Professor of Epidemiology and Kinesiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center – Houston School of Public Health and the University of Texas, Austin. He initiated Active Texas 2020, a state physical activity plan for Texas. He has served as an elected Trustee and is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and is a Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology. He is the founder and pastpresident of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health and currently serves as the elected chair of the US National Physical Activity Plan and the Board of the US Physical Activity Alliance
To learn more about the Kansas City Physical Activity Plan and what each sector is striving to achieve, visit our website at http://www.kcphysicalactivityplan.org